
Qualification |
Ph.D Educational Psychology, Ph.D Botany M.Phil Botany, M.Sc Botany, M.Sc.Psychology M.Ed, B.Ed, B.Sc.Botany PPA, DCA |
Designation | Principal |
Extra Curricular Activities:
- Managed cultural fest of Schools and colleges.
- Worked as editorial board of the schools and colleges.
- Participated in story writing, poem and drama writing competitions in various Schools and colleges.
- Worked as faculty advisor and Academic supervisor.
- Serving as Christian Education Resource person of the Diocesan of Madras, for Human Growth and Development part I AND II.(SSTTCC)
International Papers published
- Dr.V.Regina and Dr.M.Govindan(2022) “ Teachers Encouragement and Academic Achievement of IX th Standard Students.”INT-JECSE ISSN 1308-5581.
- Dr.V.Regina and Dr.M.Govindan(2021) “ Academc Stress among the Ninth Standard Students”.JPSP-2023-OPS-373 ISSN 2717-7564.
- Dr.V.Regina and K.M.Uma Rajan (2012) “Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant and antimicrobial studies of fruit rind of Couroupita guianensis (AUBL)” INTJ CURR SCI pg. 262-267. ISSN: 2250 -1770.
- Dr.V.Regina and K.M.Uma Rajan (2012) “Pharmacognostical, Preliminary phytochemical, GC-MS and docking analyses of fruit rind of Couroupita guianensis (AUBL)”INTJ CURR SCI. 3:101-107. ISSN: 2250-1770.
- Dr.V.Regina (2014) “Docking Analysis of Fruit Rind of Couroupita guianensis Aublet” AARJMD 19 (1):574-584.ISSN:2319-2801.
- Dr.V.Regina (2014) “Pharmacognostical Studies of Various Parts of Couroupita guianensis Aubl.” INT.J.CURR.RES.BIOSCI. PLANT BIOL. 1(3):17-26. ISSN:2349-8080.
- Dr.V.Regina and K.M.Uma Rajan (2014) “In-vitro assay for Cytotoxicity activity in ethonolic extract of Fruit rind of Couroupita guianensis Aubl”INT.J.CURR.MICROBIOL.APP.SCI. 3(10):169-176.ISSN:2319-7706.
- Dr.V.Regina and K.M.Uma Rajan( 2015) “Acute Toxic and Cytotoxic Studies of Ethanolic Extract of Fruit Rind of Couroupita guianensis” International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences (IJRSB) Volume 3, Issue 10, PP 116-122 ISSN 2349-0357 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0365(on line).
National papers Published
- Dr.V.Regina (2018) “Pharmacological Studies on fruit rind of Couroupita guianensis” National Seminar (NCAPS) PPSRF-pp44.
- Dr.V.Regina (2015) “A Frame work for ReOning Education for Sustainable Development Through Technology And Enhancing The Quality of Learning With Learners”National Seminar-Monograph.(NAAC)-(IQAC)Stella Matutina College of Education.
- National Seminar on Instructional EScience to prepare the post Millennials for 2025.ISBN- 978-81-928689-3-6.
- National Seminar on Impact of Education in Knowing the self and reaching the peak on 10-11-2018.ISBN-978-1-73107-115-6.
- Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) two days National Seminar on Skill Development and Goal Setting Strategies for Urban and Rural Students.ISBN-978-93-5335-075-8
Sl.No | National / International | Attended / Presented | Topic | Date | Organization |
01 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Research methods and selection of statistics | 08-04-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
02 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Life Skills and career Guidance | 16-04-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
03 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Cambridge Teaching Knowledge test | 20-04-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
04 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Psychosocial Development | 23-04-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
05 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Memory Techniques | 27-04-2020 | Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute |
06 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Creative Digital Tools for Teacher Educators | 05-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
07 | INTERNATIONAL | PRESENTED | Electronic Biowar
Conceptualisation - eyesight Learning VS Value Adaptability contextualization - Insight Learning |
07-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
08 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Creative Digital Tools for Teacher Educators | 07-05-2020 | The American college ,Madurai |
09 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Empowering Teachers for Technology enhanced classroom | 09-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
10 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Descriptive statistics : A Tool for Educational Research | 11-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
10 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Post COVID-19 way forward | 11-05-2020 | Prthyusha Engineering |
11 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Digital Etiquette: 21st century digital skills | 12-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
13 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Technology Blended curricular Activities | 16-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
14 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Yoga for Fitness and wellness | 25-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
14 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Yoga for mind and Body | 21-05-2020 & 21-05-2020 |
Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
15 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Emerging wels Based pedagogical practices | 20-05-2020 & 21-05-2020 |
Annamalai college of education for women |
16 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Yoga for mind and Body | 21-05-2020 | Annamalai college of education for women |
17 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Introducing Metacognition and meta-Emotion | 22-05-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
18 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | COVID-19 Pandemic Awareness | 27-05-2020 | N.K.T. National college of education for Women |
19 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Physical Education and health education | 15-06-2020 - 17-06-2020 |
Institute of Advanced study in education,Saidapet. |
20 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Yoga and Wellness | 15-06-2020 - 21-06-2020 |
Government Degree college kalakote, J & K |
21 | INTERNATIONAL | ATTENDED | International Yoga Day | 21-06-2020 | Government college of education, Thanjavur |
22 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Designing E-content for curriculum planning and evaluation using Animation | 21-06-2020 - 25-06-2020 |
Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
23 | INTERNATIONAL | ATTENDED | The global impact of Education : Transforming challenges into opportunities | 28-06-2020 - 29-06-2020 |
Raja Balwant singh college, Agra |
24 | NATIONAL WORKSHOP MHRD/SAP | ATTENDED | Swachhta Action plan | 03-07-2020 | MHRD Government of India |
25 | INTERNATIONAL | ATTENDED | Emerging challenges: constructive online Teaching and Learning | 01-07-2020 | KSK college of Education , AP |
26 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Active Body ad Active mind | 18-07-2020 - 19-07-2020 |
PPG and Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
27 | INTERNATIONAL | PRESENTED | Yoga sizes up Ego supersizes IQ | 24-07-2020 - 25-07-2020 |
Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
28 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Swachh Bharat Mission sanitation and Hygiene | 02-08-2020 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University |
29 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | Custodial Deaths and violence | 04-08-2020 | CARE |
30 | NATIONAL | ATTENDED | NEP 2020 with special Reference to Teacher Education | 29-08-2020 - 30-08-2020 |
Raja Balwant singh college, Agra |
Awards :
- Best Teacher Awardee in the School level during 2008-2009 in St.John’s International School,Palanjur,Poonamallee.
- Dr.Radhakrishnan Award “ASIRIYAR SEMMAL” 2017, From Tamil araitchi institute,Mylapore.
- “ABDUL KALAM IGNITES AWARD” 2017 FROM Lions Club Madras City.District 324-A5, CLUB NO: 71375.
- Invited as a Guest Speaker for the Nazareth College of Education for Women to the IInd College Day Celebration on 27/04/2018.
- Invited to be the Resource Person to conduct an in-service programme in Meston B.Ed. college on,”Science Teaching as on today’s requirements”on 31/7/2018.
- 15 years of service as a PG Assistant in Botany in a various esteemed institutions and worked as Head of the Biology Department served as reviewer for Samacheer Kalvi.,Best Teacher Awardee and also 5 years of service as a Lecturer in various reputed colleges for UG and PG students, From 2012 till now producing teacher trainees.
- Awarded First Prize in essay writing competition in Tamil.
- United board for Christian higher education in Asia-To lead not to lead advanced higher education leadership seminar for south Asia-attended 18-22 April 2017 –Christ institute of management, lavasa, Pune
- Attending periodical meeting in green school programme of CSI
- One day conference on start policy and skill development for employment –an initiative by state universities 10 th July 2018 at Anna university Chennai
- Building Christ communities towards a borderless consultation on education and empowerment on 19th and 20th july 2018
- Resource Person on the topic: Education Towards: overcoming Creed, Caste and Class.
- Organised 5th International Eco-Conference on Greening the Globe for Sustainable living. -IEC-GGSL 2019-ISBN: 978-93-5382-371-9.1st-4th August 2019.
Co-Author :
- "A generative Design of Living"pg27-28(LS-22) Life Sciences.
- "Eco Justice"pg88-89(SS.6) Social Sciences.
- "The Architecture of Imperishable Churches and Sustainable Biome"pg84-85(SS-2) Social Sciences.
Contribution to Churches :
- From 2004 till now coaching and taking remedial classes (Vocation class) for rural students in the municipality school and from 2014 till now resource person for human growth and development (Psychological aspects of children)-SSTTCC, Diocesan of Madras.
- Chairperson in SCMI Students Christian Movement in India– North Tamil unit
- Women’s auxiliary board convener in NMSI (National Missionary Society of India)
- Executive Member in Madras Christian Council of Social Service, Non-Governmental Organization
- Executive Board Member in St.Christopher’s College of Education from 2019 to till dated.
- Member of YWCA of Madras.
- Executive member of AIACHE from 2025 to 2028( Triennial period)
- Training M.Ed Students and giving internship from Saidapet College of Education, Stella Matitutina College of Education,Meston College of Education,St.Christopher’s College of Education and Tamilnadu Teachers Education University.
- Board Member for Curricular Planning from 2019 onwards.
- B.Ed Degree Pass Board committee member from 2019 onwards.
- B.Sc.B.Ed Integrated Degree Pass Board committee member from 2019 onwards.
- Academic Council Member in St. Christopher’s College of Education from November 2023 to till dated.
- Nominated as Curriculum Planning Committee Member from 2019 to 2023 & 2023 to 2025.
- Syndicate Sub-committee nominated as Stakeholder member of the IQAC from 2025 -2027.